As you can see, i ran chkdsk /r on hard drive which got some bad sectors and this is screenshot for last moment before i stopped chkdsk. i canceled chkdsk after ran some minutes because i heard run chkdsk /r on hard drive with bad sectors can lose data.
So according to this chkdsk prompt window screenshot, was that possible about that data was removed/fixed or anything changed by chkdsk? i am asking about that chkdsk could do something to data even no errors are found on prompt window.
Actually i already posted same issue about another drive on here and took answer already, and MS support engineer gave same answer.
"From the above description I understand that you were able to cancel the chkdsk program within 3%. usually chkdsk command examine all the files and then start the fixes. However in this case you wouldn’t have lost any data."
So, i thought i need verify that answers i got, so i have additional question now.
My question is...
"If chkdsk finds error/corrupted/any kind of problem while running, is it strictly + immediately shows messages on prompt window? or possible to miss to show messages on window about what chkdsk did to data?"
I think answer should be like yes or no - simply, please help. thanks.