Need to select a gpu and psu


Apr 19, 2014
I will be straight forward.... I have 3 options for gpu in my price range, a 390x, 780 ti and gtx 980...... having difficulty between these 3.... also recommend a good psu for them.
Rest of my rig:
i5 4460(will upgd to a 6600k or i7 6700k soon)
12 GB ram
Asus z97 pro gamer( will soon upgd gigabyte ga z170x gaming gt or maximus 8 hero)

I guess that's all u guys need to know....
Why not just upgrade your current CPU to the i7 4790k. It will save you a ton of money by not having to replace your current board and RAM as well. There really isn't that big a difference between the performance of the two chips.

Also only a tiny fps increase going to DDR4.

With the money saved you could get a 980ti or an r9 FuryX, and not have to worry about bottlenecking at all.

You didn't mention your current PSU model, could you let us know please? It may be good enough already. If not, a decent quality 600w unit would be fine for running any single card. 850w if you are looking to SLI/XFIRE in the future.


Its a misunderstanding I'm not really upgrading my processor, I received it as a gift but I'm not sure whether its a 6600k or 6700k(because it is not really at my house) and that is why I'm upgrading my mobo cuz only lag 1151 support 6th gen... also are there any major differences b/w the mobo's I mentioned earlier and their cheaper versions i.e the Asus z170 pro gamer and z170x gaming 3? My current psu is a cx 430... so yeah can't run shit with.that... and yeah totally forgot about the ram, will need to change the ram as well and so these 3 are the only options I have right now(in my budget).... and my answer to the fist reply, I don't really game right now bcuz I have no graphics card as u would have probably guessed looking at my current psu but I intend to game at 1440p 144hz.... anything else?
If your on a budget an Asus Geforce Gtx 750 ti (oc) 2gb ddr5 will do you for a few years. Also I think you get the new Tom Clancy's Division With it. The Psu I recommend the Evga Supernova G2 650. I recently purchased it of amazon for my latest build a link will be at the bottom, from ukpcpartpicker yea only £175 for both and will serve is purpose if taking care of and with a bit of TLC

I'm not that low on budget.... I mean if I reduce my motherboard cost I could prob afford a 980 ti(if cheaper 980ti and shit like that was flying around at my place) but the 980 ti at my place is almost $300 expensive and that is why it's out of my budget so my best options are listed above :)

Yeah sweet sounds like ya have it sused now £175 is not low in pc terms graphics and cpu are a rip of these days as there are now updated technology these days. I love pcs gaming consoles are crap compared to the latest pcs out there now
You could also keep your current setup and sell the chip 6600k/6700k. Then use that money to go towards your GPU and PSU. The i5 4460 would be fine for now either way with a decently high end GPU, since at 1440p the stress will mainly be on your video card. The higher the resolution the less important the CPU is, as long as you have a good chip to begin with. Which you do in the i5 4460.

PS: In case you haven't figured it out, I usually always recommend what is the most cost effective way of upgrading a system when I give out my recommendations. Bang for buck approach, lol.

I could do that......... but I won't do that bcuz it just feels bad having to reject or sell someone's gift just because it was incompatible with you or your setup... I like your approach which is cost effective but I'm not gona sell someone's gift just to be 'cost effective' so I'm just gonna have to go with it. What I can do is w8 till the Pascal and Polaris series hits the shop and by then the 980 ti prices would've dropped along with my budget extended as well... what do u guys think?


Yeah I understand what you mean. Well for 1440p I would recommend a FuryX or a 980ti for sure if you want it to last for a couple years, but you may be better off waiting till the new GPUs come out. That's what I am doing, because the FuryX and 980ti are far out of my price range right now. When the newer cards come the prices should drop.

Yeah I think that's a good idea... wait a couple of months and by then prices would've dropped. Yeah I think I will do that... well thanks anyways