Need to update my BIOS. Need help.


Jun 29, 2012
CPU - i7-2600k
Mobo - P8Z68/V LX

My problem is, my CPU is running way hot, IDLE at 88C as of this moment. I built this thing about 6 years ago, so im sure it needs new thermal paste, which I JUST ordered 5 minutes ago. AND, I also just realized my BIOS is 6 years out dated, ive never installed a bios myself, and was wondering is there is an easy/lazy way to do it. I have the new bios downloaded, but the ASUS web page is not really user friendly at all, I was trying to grab this EZ flash thing, or the ASUS Dashboard, I think it was called, I cant find a download link for either, ANY place I look... Well I havent hit the torresnts yet, but I thought that might not be a good idea since im messing with the BIOS and all.
Any help/tips at all is greatly appreciation. :)
I agree with jim, leave BIOS as is unless an update specifically fixes a problem you're experiencing.

Updating it just because it's a newer version than what you have is not a good enough reason to attempt it.

Sort out your overheating CPU by all means, but leave the BIOS update until it's absolutely necessary (eg to support a CPU upgrade).

So you guys think I should wait and see what my numbers are after I put on the new paste? I had just read som article on ASUS boards that mentioned how CPU AND Mobo temps both dropped significantly after people had updated BIOS. That was my reasoning behind it.
Thanks forthe replys!
(Quick edit of this comment) This morning my Mobo temps are running hot, 70C right now, now 73C... It was not running hot in the past that I noticed, and its way colder in this room today than in the past few months, its 20F outside, and I have the windows open in this room to keep my computer cold, so its probably 25F in this room, im typing with frozen fingers LOL.
Sorry about the lack of temp conversion there, I dont know what 20F is in C.
Thanks again.
(Another quick edit)
My case is an NZXT Tempest EVO, and I just recenhtly gave it a complete internal cleaning with 6 cans of AIR, so Airflow and dust is not my problem.