Need Twitch info


Dec 19, 2013
Hi, I wanna know that in Twitch, how much data is consumed per hour when a channel is viewed on "Source" or "High" ?
It would be nice if someone can give me the info and also how much download speed is required for "Source" and "High" ?
Here is an approximate:

480p = .85Kbps - 1Mbps
720p = 1.5Mbps - 2.5Mbps
1080p = 3Mbps - 4.5Mbps
Source = depends on the broadcaster quality

Keep in mind you should take a look at your data usage regularly to make sure you dont have extra fees for going over your monthly limit.

Thanks for the info . So if I see it in 1080p for 1 hr, how much data will be consumed ?