Needing help with a CPU Cooler


Nov 4, 2013
I have a few questions about this motherboard in particular :

I was wondering if I could install a CM Hyper TX3 onto this board, though there is one problem.

On that image you can see threaded holes where you install the pins with the Hyper TX3, there is a backplate on the MOBO and I was wondering if anybody knew if it was removable. I would look to see myself but sadly I don't have much time this week to check if its removable.
I understand now so there is a large single piece back plate not like the small backing plate for the socket here in the pictures
You might be screwed with that board then since the socket needs to stay and you need to have back plate for it, unless you can modify the plate.

So when I was removing the cooler tonight to install the TX3,
I found that the threaded holes are removed when you remove the backplate though there is one problem! To remove the backplate you have to remove these three screws(I have highlighted them)

Is it possible or am I just shit out of luck?

If not possible I will plan on replacing this mobo with

Also Windows 7 about that OEM copy I should be able to reactivate if I just go ahead and say the old board was broken?

I wish it was this simple, as I had stated in the original post the only problem was that the holes where you would put the pins are threaded stopping the pins from fitting as you can see in this picture

The cooler that is on the motherboard stock doesn't use the pin design rather but it screws into the backplate and the backplate is held on by 3 screws, except the cooler also screws into this backplate, except it seems I would have to remove the whole CPU socket itself to remove the backplate.
I understand now so there is a large single piece back plate not like the small backing plate for the socket here in the pictures
You might be screwed with that board then since the socket needs to stay and you need to have back plate for it, unless you can modify the plate.
Whelp, looks like I will probably be replacing this MOBO in the next few weeks. Do you know if I would be able to use the same OEM copy of windows or have to see about contacting microsoft to get a new CD key?