about a week ago my 3 year old plugged my usb phone charger that i had plugged into my pc into the wall socket.Well with a big shock and a smell of burning parts it wouldnt turn back on. Since then i havent been able to get it to boot, the power supply standby light on the back and front light up. Ive attempted just plugging the pcu and mother board in with no change changed pcu's with a know good one, still nothing, what could other possible issues be? no fans or post beeps come up, even with only the board plugged in. im a rookie builder i mainly just update my own system as needed. i'm thinking its the mother board but i'd like to get a little feedback from someone that actually knows about computers. thanks. its vostro, gt 610 graphics card, removed for time being, it had the original pcu in it cant remember exactly what it is off the top of my head, i tried my extreme 2 quad qx 8650 and still nothing, was waiting my my new graphics card to hook it all up which was on order for about a week before she blew it up. 2 ddr3 1333 cards, a 1 and 2 gig. other then that its just a standard jl1117 board.