i jumed into hurry now am worried,i had lost the recovery disk for the inpsrionso ended up,running windows xp proff instead,i just recently bought the visa recovery disk,also 320 watt power supply original was 250 watts,i noticed before i noticed the new hardrive in or pwersupply/vieo card,that in bios while wins xp was installed at the time in bios showed on video cards 64mb-128mb-259mb.. the one i ordered is (EVGA 512-P3-1301-KR GeForce 8400GS 512MB DDR3 32bit PCIE 2.0 Video CardEVGA 512-P3-1301-KR GeForce 8400GS 512MB DDR3 32bit PCIE 2.0 Video Card )the ddr3 was what was worried me.after ordering was my memory in pc is ddr2,i asked all over net some people agreed it would work,also talked a guy who told me if the video card some will give about half the mb`s hopefully this is true,i havent looked back into bios after putting visa preminum in to see if that coulda increased but assume it will be the same is the mother board that tends to decide,if you have any answers for me please contact me thanks starraider1999