Needing to know which CPU will work better with gaming


Dec 12, 2016
i have a 760gma-P34 (FX) Motherboard
which CPU that is around the 230$ range will be good enough to play battlefield 1 on high settings?
BF1 isn't quite as dependent on the CPU as the GPU. I wouldn't recommend investing in the current FX series, given zen is right around the corner. I'd recommend just saving up and waiting until a little later in 2017 before you make a major hardware purchase. However, if you can't wait, the 8320 or the 6300 are both suitable processors for the time, although it'd be wiser to wait for improved performance.
The best CPU your board supports is the FX 83XX series. The entire series uses the same chips with different clocks. Since you will want to overclock anyways, just get whichever 83XX series CPU is the cheapest. The all overclock about the same. I wouldn't spend more than ~$100. You may run into some CPU limits to performance, but you should be able to get above 60 fps with a good GPU. Make sure you get a good cooler.

You may also want to consider waiting to get a new CPU. The next generation of AMD cpus should be released in the next few weeks. That should make higher performing chips available and/or drive down the price of the old chips.

Would the new series support my board?

Actually from what I've heard, with Win 10 you can carry over your license now. It's tied to your Win 10 login if I remember correctly.

I purchased 10. One of the few. Have my reasons. Anyways I am going by their words

Use of this OEM System Builder Channel software is subject to the terms of the Microsoft OEM System Builder License. This software is intended for pre-installation on a new personal computer for resale. This OEM System Builder Channel software requires the assembler to provide end user support for the Windows software and cannot be transferred to another computer once it is installed. To acquire Windows software with support provided by Microsoft please see our full package "Retail" product offerings.

suggests what you heard was a rumor.

It was here on the forums, when I get a little time I'll look for it.

Found it!

You can now carry over your Win 10 to another PC as long as you follow these steps.