Needs help ASAP going to buy a cpu in a couple hours

zi colossus iz

Mar 10, 2016
So ive spent the time doing research for a couple months and i picked the Intel® Core™ i7-5930K Processor to be my cpu. Im having last second doubts about this chip. I will be gaming and streaming and editing so id like top performance and the 500 bucks im going to spend on it is max budget for my cpu. Would going with a newer model i7 be better? i am going to be pairing with a ASUS X99-PRO/USB 3.1 LGA 2011-v3 Intel X99 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard
Unless you need the pcie lanes for running 2 nvidia gpu's in sli both at full 16x or 3 nvidia sli, or 3-4 way crossfired amd gpu's I would save the money and go for the 5820k. Get a decent cooler and overclock it. Then you'll have the higher clock speeds for gaming, still have the 6 cores and 12 threads and save a nice chunk of change. The 5930k is only 100mhz faster than the 5820k out of the box so you're paying for the pcie lanes.

At almost 4ghz, it should still game extremely well and serve you well for streaming and editing.
I think a I7-6700K would serve you better and be less expensive.

The faster cores will let you game better.

On an editing run where all threads are fully utilized, the 5930K would be better.
But, I think it is easier to tolerate longer batch run times than it is to tolerate stuttering during gaming due to slower core speeds.

The $200 or so you will save on the cpu and motherboard will buy you a stronger graphics card.

For your use scenario, there is no newer I7 that will benefit you. There is the skylake series, but at the moment at least, they only go upto 4 cores.
The only thing better for streaming and editing would be the 5960x, which is a lot more expensive.

You could probably get away with the 5820k, which is a lot cheaper than the 5930k, with the same core count. And the only major difference being the amount of PCI lanes, which won't matter unless you plan to use a lot.
The other difference being that the 5830k has a higher clock as default, but they are both overclockable anyway.

im at 2500 with my whole build which is top end where i want to be. Im honestly just concerned if this cpu will do everything i want comfortably but at the same time justifies the cost. Would u say this is top end CPU and will easily handle gaming normal tasks and editing ?
Unless you need the pcie lanes for running 2 nvidia gpu's in sli both at full 16x or 3 nvidia sli, or 3-4 way crossfired amd gpu's I would save the money and go for the 5820k. Get a decent cooler and overclock it. Then you'll have the higher clock speeds for gaming, still have the 6 cores and 12 threads and save a nice chunk of change. The 5930k is only 100mhz faster than the 5820k out of the box so you're paying for the pcie lanes.

At almost 4ghz, it should still game extremely well and serve you well for streaming and editing.
Specially since DirectX 12/Vulkan is upon us and those extra cores mean more then top speeds of a CPU.

Provided you have time to wait for your purchase....Honestly, you should wait until the new AMD CPU drops. that's first half 2017, as it's going to have a positive affect on the market as a whole, which will save you money or gain you performance regardless of which brand you go with.