Our old neighbour moved out and the new neighbour has installed a high power WiFi router (probably the 1000 mW TP link one with 9 dBi antennas.) As if the 10x power atrocity wasn't enough, the bandwidth has been set to 40 MHz.
Now, I invested in a new router a few days ago - TP Link Archer C60, which is a normal 100 mW power one. All over my house, my own network's signal varies, but the neighbour's signal is effing strong and full all around my house and in the streets too. Much stronger than my own WiFi network. Neighbour's stupid router changes channels often, and often I find my own network down. I can't even open my router's page without waiting a few minutes to load the page. Once I change my channel, my network works fine, until that effing router again changes its channel with planned precision to overwhelm my network. I am so pissed off. Once the interference starts, I can't even manually change my router's channel because the router page itself takes a long time to load.
Is there a way out of this, except telling the neighbour to fix a channel? She seems a recluse and has never talked to anyone in the locality ever since she moved in, and I am not comfortable asking about tweaking her router.
I haven't upgraded my WiFi adapters to 5 GHz AC yet, but is there a way to stop this interference at 2.4 GHz itself? Because our phones and smart TVs still operate at 2.4 GHz.
Now, I invested in a new router a few days ago - TP Link Archer C60, which is a normal 100 mW power one. All over my house, my own network's signal varies, but the neighbour's signal is effing strong and full all around my house and in the streets too. Much stronger than my own WiFi network. Neighbour's stupid router changes channels often, and often I find my own network down. I can't even open my router's page without waiting a few minutes to load the page. Once I change my channel, my network works fine, until that effing router again changes its channel with planned precision to overwhelm my network. I am so pissed off. Once the interference starts, I can't even manually change my router's channel because the router page itself takes a long time to load.
Is there a way out of this, except telling the neighbour to fix a channel? She seems a recluse and has never talked to anyone in the locality ever since she moved in, and I am not comfortable asking about tweaking her router.
I haven't upgraded my WiFi adapters to 5 GHz AC yet, but is there a way to stop this interference at 2.4 GHz itself? Because our phones and smart TVs still operate at 2.4 GHz.