NeosVR Lets You Build Virtual Worlds With Others, Remotely And In Real Time

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'Accessible to the mass' has no meaning when speaking about current VR, so I don't really understand your point. The same would apply to each and every VR game/app.
And once headsets become mainstream, it would only be as hard as a normal simulator (as the mentioned Second Life, which was a huge success).
These kinds of apps are pretty much not going to go anywhere if you ask me. The features they create might be adapted into other programs/games, but no way is any of this efficient for real life designing.
This sort of thing will be huge.

Putting a mesh together can be a hassle on a screen, since you need to use multiple views to manipulate the object from each side, but in 3D, modeling will be so much easier, as we move around the object to make adjustments that we can immediately perceive in 3D.
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