Netflix takes all the bandwith!

Krister Arvesen

Jan 20, 2014
Hi, I'm really not getting how my router prioritizes stuff... I mean how can my sister sit and watch netflix not getting any lag when I can't even load a 480p youtube videos... I can put up 30 4K videos but still netflix won't lag a bit.

How come the bandwith isn't shared between the computers equally?
My computer is running on a wired connection while the rest of the PC's are running on wireless... our download speed is around 3.7Mbps, upload 0.45Mbps... No viruses or anything, I just find it hard how I can do nothing to affect how netflix is on other PC's but as soon as someone else starts a netflix stream my connection just drops...
1 netflix hd feed can easily wipe 3.7m. Most times it is in the 6m range. Both netflix and youtube though can dynamically adjust the amount of data they request from the servers. Your issue may be something different in the browser or maybe the flash player. Hard to say both these companies are not very good about sharing info on how they determine bandwidth.

Which traffic gets sent or dropped and which has priority has nothing to do with your router. The ISP is in full control. Pretty much when the connection gets full they will drop traffic randomly. This means they will likely drop the same percentage from all open sessions...but there is no way to say for sure since it is random.

Your router can do nothing about this by the time it can do anything the data is already discarded and its not like it can recreate it and drop something different. Pretty much your router only has the ability to control what it sends and you likely are not exceeding your upload bandwidth.

I Have no clue what makes this as it is... I mean hell I even tried to do a simple ddos on my own network but still no lag on netflix, we can have two netflix streams at the same time and both will work fine, but for some reason my PC seems to always take such a huge performance hit from it... I can be playing CSGO with 60 ping, then boom all the sudden 1700 ping just like that! it's such an pain in the ass, I mean if it split the total bandwith between all computers equally then I should atleast still get "playable" ping...
But no... I get cut off from whatever I'm doing and netflix takes everything...