Netgear AC750 gaming


Oct 24, 2014
Is the Netgear AC750 good for gaming 90 ping or lower for LoL?My internet plan is 6 mbps?
My current router is ATNT 4111N and I get 1k ping.My older one never got that high of a ping.
If I have to $150 max budget. But I dont want to go that high of a price.

If my neighbor has the same ISP what happens? I have Atnt

AC750 or the C7 TPlink?
No. what i said was, ping not only depends on router you are buying. major part is played by your ISP provider. it also depends on them. there are less possibility, where you can say the router is reason for less bandwidth or ping.

why i said neighbor? bec you can be sure about your ping. if they are using better router than you, with same ISP. they are getting better ping. you will get a confidence that the problem is in my router only. not in my connection.

You can buy C7 tplink. it is better. & more trusted.

Important :-

C7 Tplink -> is router with out modem. (only router) having wan port.
but netgear -> modem with router. with out wan port.

If you like netgear router, you should ask your ISP provider that, can we use modem/router for internet connection. bec some ISP are in-compatible with this type of router.

If you are getting a 1k ping it is likely you have wireless issues. It is likely some kind of interference from say a neighbor or other source. Replacing the router does not solve the interference issue. The reason some people think it does is the new router may select a different channel than the first which you could try with your current router.

Step 1 is to always test with a wired connection. If you still get bad ping times then it is likely you have a issue outside your house or with the connection to your house. Replacing the router will not fix that either, you must get the ISP to fix it.

You need to find the source of your problem assuming it is caused by a defective router.

Im always wired , this new router I got from Atnt is worse. It's a 2/1 router.


whats tracert to
is 6mbps slow too?
It is a command you run from the cmd screen. I will also assume that you do not know what PING is either then. What the game calls ping is not actually a true measurement of the network it include lots of other things.

6m is more than enough for almost all games. The speed has nothing to do with the delays in a network.

You first step is to see if you actually have issues with the network using actual command like ping and tracert. You can also ping can ping the ip of your server if you know it.

Idk this.....