I just bought a $40 netgear n600 usb adapter for wifi. I know everyone is like THAT SUCKS USE ETHERNET, but I can't. The wifi router is about 30 ft from my room. Back to my point, I bought this and I plugged it in and, for the first 20 seconds or so, I get the 6 Mb per second that I should. After that little bit, it goes to 1-2 Mb per second. It is really annoying and makes the wifi barely usable. I have set it to 2.4 Ghz (because 5 ghz won't even connect) and I don't know what else to do. If you know the issue please help. Btw: It is a built pc. Specs: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/GangsterGamer/saved/#view=JM6tt6
Thanks in Advance!
Thanks in Advance!