Netgear router suddenly capped at 10MB download

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Sep 16, 2013
There is more to this story than the title says. I've been using my Netgear WNDR4500v2 for about 2 years now and out of the blue while surfing I noticed it was slow. A speed test showed I was getting 10 or less MB down (from my usual 90). I downgraded, then upgraded the firmware. I cleared the ARP. I did a factory reset. I disabled the 5ghz channel (for fun). The issue persists on a wired connection as well as a wireless connection.

I switched to an old router I had in my closet. It works perfectly!...... except it's a POS. I go to xfinity to get a modem/router combo and lo and behold, same issue as the netgear! Upload is normal, but my download is horrible. Comcast just came to my house today and they said I'm getting a negative 1 (on their special Comcast meter) and they're going to install a closer tap. I don't feel like this is going to resolve my issue. Can anyone think of anything? Thanks!

It works, but it's POS. That makes zero sense. If you had said it works, but it's so ugly my wife doesn't want it in the house! I would understand. 😀

ISP admits there is something wrong... well they NEVER admit anything, give them the benefit of the doubt see what happens.

Thanks for the reply, but of course it makes sense. Just because the car sitting in my driveway with 4 flat tires and busted windows works doesn't mean it's not a POS. The router I'm currently using has an incredibly poor signal in comparison to the one I want to be using. Sure, the ISP may have found something they can improve on, but if 1 of my routers is receiving 90MB down and the other 2 that are far newer, better, and not broken are receiving 10MB or less, then I don't see what installing a new tap is going to do.
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