matchenm :
Hi InvalidError,
Great points! Check out the "How We Test" article where we describe those test factors, and let us know if we missed the ones you mentioned!
It isn't so much a matter of "not covered" as it is a matter of "not quantified" since you are using whatever your home wiring is. Ideally, you would use a rack with three or four separate 60' runs of 3x14, outlets every 10' on each to plug adapters into to create best-case scenarios (ex.: same room could be from 40' on L1 to 30' also on L1, longest distance through the breaker box between circuits on opposite phases would be 60' on L1 to 60' on L2), then add additional household loads at various taps (ex.: lamps with a few CFLs and LED lamps, surge suppression bars with EMI filters, PC supplies, etc.) into those two (or more) runs to replicate real-world conditions between two (or more) adapters.