Netis WF-2118 not working

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Sep 8, 2013
I just built my new computer (first build) and I'm having trouble getting the wireless card to work. I have an MSI 970a-g46 MB with an AMD FX-6300 cpu.

I followed the directions for the netis wf-2118 step by step, install drivers off of cd, install card, restart.

The first few times the computer didn't recognize the card and nothing happened, I moved it to another PCI slot and it recognized it, configured it and connected to my network. Then after about 30 seconds the connection disappeared and now its back to not recognizing that there is a wireless PCI at all.

What am I doing wrong??! Thanks everyone!

Turns out the card was dead out of the box
Turns out the car was dead out of the box, took it to my buddies house and he tested it and it was dead, perhaps I killed it but I'm not sure. Got a better pci e card and its working brilliantly!

Thanks for the help though!
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