im using windows server 2003 with symantec antivirus so i can mass update and install it across the network, im now after a firewall with the same corporate style mass configuration and updates and so on, is there any free tools like that, or otherwise if its decent for the price, whats a good profesional/corporate firewall?


Dec 31, 2007

Am I understanding this right? You want to mass firewall every PC against each other instead of firwalling what should be the one shared access point to the outside world?


Apr 1, 2004
Silver is right. Why would you want a firewall every machine? You only need a firewall at your Internet access point. You are installing the antivirus on every machine because viruses can enter the system through emails, floppies DVD's etc..

As far as a free firewall for business use, I don't know of one but trie to Google for it . One probably excess.


If you firewall every computer your asking for a configuration headache.
One firewall at the internet access point is all you need.
Run a proxy server that can block all the ports you need and require a login to access the internet. You could also change the default port for html from 80 to someother non used port number if you really want to.
You could also limit internet access by mac address only. That way only certain computers can access the net.
Theres alot more you can do that I dont have the time or space to write about now. Do some research first.
altho im googleing it now, what is a good proxy server (personally recomended) cause i have a server to work with, and what are some good tips.

oh and proxy cacheing - usefull? i got a 256k connection so would that help it? and share internet load?