Network discovery and Public network


Aug 24, 2015

I'm wondering if there is a way in windows 10 Home Anniversary edition To keep my network connection private and have network discovery turned off at the same time. I do not want to have my network discoverable by other computers. Microsoft recommends turning this on for private networks but I don't!

Any suggestions.


Have a good One!
Try this:

Network and Internet
Network and Sharing Center
Change advanced sharing settings

You should see "Private (current profile)
Below that is a radio button to turn Discovery on and off.
Select OFF
Save changes

None I'm on a single home computer I'm not running a network or a business or anything I don't want to share anything with anyone. I have vpn software that I'm using and I have that running and I have a netgear router WNDR4500 or something Like that and I'm using alternative dns servers in the router and in windows 10 anniversary edition.

I alos Disabled all the services that are responsible for this DNS Client

- Function Discovery Resource Publication

- SSDP Discovery

- UPnP Device Host

They are all disabled I have the windows firewall turned off also I'm going to get a 3rd part firewall/antivirus

If there are no other machines in your network, then there is no possibility of sharing anything. There are no other computers to 'discover' you.

Set it to private network, and turn off Discovery.

My network is private but then when I go into my settings again of windows 10 and I go to network and Internet and I hit the ethernet tab the make pc discoverable setting is turned back on again.where it makes your pc discoverable by other pcs and devices. it's turned back on again


Why are you making it discoverable? There are no other devices to discover it.

When I turn off make this pc discoverable it makes My internet connection a public network. when I set my network to private Make this pc discoverable is turned back on again. I would Like them both off


I'm not it turns it'sself back on when I make My network private. And when I turn off make my pc discoverable it set's my network back to a public connection. Does this have something to do with the win32 tap software that I'm using for my vpn because that is Public also. The vpn works but it says Unidentified network Public network. So I'm not making the pc discoverable nor do I want to it's turning on by itself when I make my network private. I want them both off at the same time. And to stay off.

You're going to have to walk me through the exact steps.

I just turned Network Discovery OFF, and it remains a Private network.
(this on a secondary PC)

Okay I go into pc settings and then I go to network and Internet it's right next to devices. then I click on ethernet on the left then network connected at the top and it says make this pc discoverable I trun it off and then I go back to the control panel and I go into my network and sharing center and it says view your active networks and Underneath it says Public network. If I make my network private then make this pc discoverable is turned on again all by itself. What services do I need to have disabled to make both of these off. Any Ideas other than the ones I mentioned.
Try this:

Network and Internet
Network and Sharing Center
Change advanced sharing settings

You should see "Private (current profile)
Below that is a radio button to turn Discovery on and off.
Select OFF
Save changes

It still says Public network though, so I will have to figure something out on my own thank you so much for all your help in this matter!!

Take care!