Network hardware configuration help


Jun 1, 2011
Modem and router are located upstairs inside of a "Metal Networking" box. Due to the box being metal it greatly reduces the strength of my WiFi signal in my home, specifically downstairs. Currently I have three hardwire ethernet cords plugged into the back of the wireless router. Is it possible to move those three ethernet cords to a switch and then place the router downstairs at the desktop computer? Or would that somehow mess things up?

Ah, see I knew there was a problem I was hoping I didn't have to hook the wireless router back up to the switch
Yes you will need some manner of connection back to the switch.

To answer somewhat generically then:

A direct ethernet cable is best if possible. A powerline adapter would be my second suggestion but powerline adapters can be problematic depending on your home wiring scheme.

You could go wireless back to switch but would need to add in a wireless access point and get all of that correctly configured. May lose some performance/network speed if wireless is used.

At least you have options and there are plenty of tutorials (some on this site) and diagrams to help you plan it out.

By the way, that "metal networking box" is probably a computer rack. If you can send/provide a photograph of the setup, someone may be able to provide a different solution to help move the router up and outside of the "box". Nothing to lose by considering that option either.