network protocol selection...


Dec 31, 2007
i wonder how to tell win2k which network protocol to use first
(like the standard protocol selection in winX9)
e.g. if u have tcp/ip and netbeui installed and want to use netbeui to copy files and tcp only for internet sharing or something because its slower with files

i have 1 win2k and one ME computer and if I copy a file it takes me 2 times longer if a do it from an explorer in win2k sys than from the ME comp..because of the tranfairs using tcp/ip when launched from the 2k side (no matter which way i copy)

ill soon upgrade the ME comps hardware then it will also get win2k so the problem becomes bigger..
All you have to do is make sure that NetBEUI comes before TCP/IP in the bindings order. In ME I think you will find this in the property pages for that NIC, and in Win2k you will find it if you goto Network and Dial Up Connections in the control panel, click on the adapter you want to modify, hit the Advanced menu at the top and select Advanced Settings. If NetBEUI is first on your bindings list then windows will try to use this protocol first. Since NetBEUI isn't a routable protocol, obviously windows wouldn't be able to use this for accessing the internet and would move down the bindings list to use TCP/IP.

this is exactly what i thought has to be somewhere...but it was well hidden...because i would never think of using the menu

in fact i never click on it...because usualy everything can be done faster by left click
and this window rather looks like a folder for network stuff than a thing with real functions *g*