Question Network Topology map from netcrunch

May 6, 2023
Topology Map <----

According to netcrunch before the internet my network passes through these two unknown I.S.P or DNS? anyone know what these are?

the and I don't recognize any of those on my network it's 4 machines then the TP-Link then goes outside the house to the I.S.P line. Is this anything to be alarmed? Can these nodes be used for malicious spying or sniffing my network and traffic data? have I been hacked?


Topology Map <----

According to netcrunch before the internet my network passes through these two unknown I.S.P or DNS? anyone know what these are?

the and I don't recognize any of those on my network it's 4 machines then the TP-Link then goes outside the house to the I.S.P line. Is this anything to be alarmed? Can these nodes be used for malicious spying or sniffing my network and traffic data? have I been hacked?
Most traffic is encrypted, so most of your interaction is protected. How is your internet provided? Do you pay an ISP? Is your internet provided by wire or wireless?
If it is good to the tplink router and the only connection it the isp wire then it is going to be outside your house.

It is highly likely it is just some equipment in the ISP office and the scanning tool is too stupid to figure that out because the ISP is 10.x.x.x ip addresses so they don't waste real ones.

You should always assume that your data can be intercepted. Could be some bad person that has access to the ISP office or it could be the ISP themselves. For a long time ATT used to let the US government monitor all traffic without any legal warrants.

As kanewolf mentioned all traffic is generally encrypted via HTTPS to prevent interception by anyone. Just do the standard and do not ignore warnings if the browser tells you a connection is not secure. Then again some sites you don't really care about, there are say news sites that are not encrypted you are just reading those anyway.
May 6, 2023
there also seems to be in increase in 'traffic' in the area whenever I use any of my devices. Doesn't really matter what time of day it is when I open and start browsing or using any connected devices. these nodes seem to be acting as a server of some sort into my network to draw in traffic. is there a way for me to simply remove these or is that up to the ISP


there also seems to be in increase in 'traffic' in the area whenever I use any of my devices. Doesn't really matter what time of day it is when I open and start browsing or using any connected devices. these nodes seem to be acting as a server of some sort into my network to draw in traffic. is there a way for me to simply remove these or is that up to the ISP
Unknown. You haven't figured out where they are physically. You are responsible (usually) for everything before the side of your house. So it depends on where they are relative to the outside of your house.