Question Networking issue, starlink?


May 5, 2014
OK, this has me stumped. I was able to see all my computers on the network. All have open sharing etc since I have a media server. So here is the issue

Computer 1 (desktop hardline windows 10)
Computer 2 (laptop hardline windows 11)
Computer 3 (laptop wifi windows 10)

Computer 1 can see computer 3
Computer 2 can see all computers
Computer 3 can see computer 1

Everything seemed to be working before I switched to starlink. All computers have internet and static IP/DNS. They just dont want to see eachother. So it leads me to believe that its either a windows 10/11 issue that randomly started or Starlink is messing with the network somehow. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
You said one has Wi-Fi. This sounds like a router issue (either directly or indirectly). Do all computers go to the same router? And then the router to the Starlink? This matters a lot. You should describe the wiring (even if wireless) to say which computer goes to which router, versus directly to the Starlink, so on.


May 5, 2014
OK. So you just made me think of something that could be messing with it. Im going from starlink into Orbi router. Both hardline computers are plugged directly into router. Wifi is connected to Orbi wirelessly. Though, the router function is turned on Starlink. So my typical turned into
Pretty standard issue when you have 2 routers. The things connected to the orbi consider everything connected to the starlink internet. It is the same issue with machine on the internet seeing you machine in your house.
You might get it to work with port forwarding.
Best to try to use only 1 router. Many times you would use the ISP router as the main router and the other router only as a AP. Problem is many of the stupid mesh systems think they own the network and you can't make them run as AP...espeically if you have more than one orbi box.

Not sure what to recommend....get rid of the orbi :).

You might be able to plug everything into the orbi and use the starlink as modem...I don't think you can actually set starlink devices into bridge mode but in general it doesn't hurt much unless you need to port forward to run a server