Networking Question 100mb or 1 GB


Apr 13, 2014

As the title states, i am looking for information on a network related topic. Basically what it is, is that i have very slow download speeds, about 2-3 mb.(That ends up resulting in about 200kps when downloading games.) At the moment i am on 100mb speed (By this i mean when i look at my lan connection and then go to status it says 100mb.) Ive got a very new PC so i thought my ethernet would be capable of 1gb or is this becuase of my very low download speed. If this is not the case and all i need is a Network interface card then will this increase my download speeds if i were to buy one?

Also i am using a BT Hub. Would i need to change this or buy something else? Thanks for reading and any help.
Your Internet download speeds have nothing to do with the speed of your network card, which is the speed that you're communicating to your router with. Hardly anyone in the U.S. has Internet download speeds approaching 100 Mbps, so even your relatively slow connection your router is not the issue.

If you want a good measure of your Internet upload and download speeds, go to and run the test. It will test your upload and download speeds, and your "ping", which is your network latency, or how long it takes to get a response from a server (different from your download speed).