Networking Win98Se & WinME


Dec 31, 2007
I recently bought a Dell L1000 for my duaghter. I have Dell XPX-700R. I had the 700 networked to me OLD Gateway with no problems. Now, however, my 700 won't admit there's a workgroup in existance, let alone the network. The 1000 can see the 700 but can't talk to it. Suggestoins? I did use the WinME Networking Wizard to create a network disk after I tried everything else. Thanks!!
Double check your client on your computers, workgroup settings from Network.
Must have a shared folder, different computer names, but the same workgroup, protocol,
primary network logon set as Client for Microsoft Networks.
From DOS prompt type PING,
also type NET TIME \\Computer_name /Workgroup /set
The lights may be lit on the cards but you may still have a bad card.
Can you re-connect the Dell-600 back to OLD Gateway just to check for still working?

If having problem with TCP/IP you can try NetBEUI, it’s easier.
I had a problem simular too you. Tried networking 98se to 98 although I could see the other system I couldnt do anything with it. Fixed it simply by running the same o/s version of 98se then it was fine. I could be wrong and may have missed what the real cause was, although I checked all settings and nothing made any difference.

😎 Go stick that in ya pipe and smoke it!
I checked the workgroup name, usernames, shared folders, and even whacked the .pwl file. Nothing. The old gateway is now serving up files at our church. I disconnected and reconnected the cable. Nada. Next?
I know, WinME works with Win/95/98 and you could view the WinME share from the Win98. Only one thing probably missed: if you have a new computer and it’s never been connected to the Internet and doesn’t have latest auto updates from Microsoft.
Previously WinME was famous for network connectivity problem, but I know it has been fixed with patches.
I’m sure, that WinME is still screwy somewhere.. but not with the connectivity to Win98. Buy the way, the ME is still not capable to see WinNT boxes on a network. And for NT and Linux boxes the ME-computer is non-existent.

Try update, or sorry, probably Scotty3303’s suggestion is the right solution for you.
Have you tried to ping the other? this will at least confirm weather or not you have a connection. I a similar problem before, the 98 system could see the ME system, but the ME system wouldnt show anything in NN, and when I tried to browse the network I got told it was unnacessable and to contact my sys admin- er I AM admin lol. All settings were 100% correct- I've done this loads of times, in the end I ran the home network wizard, didnt bother with the disk etc, rebooted and it worked, it didnt seem to have changed ANYTHING, but I suppose it must have, it may be worth you giving it a go.

Next time you wave - use all your fingers
Master, it's alive. ALIVE I TELL YOU!!!!
Thanks for all your help!!!!!
(It still takes a few seconds to see the network, but what the hey!) NetBeui wasn't configured properly on the WinME box.