Aug 5, 2012

I have 6 PCs. All 6 PCs has Windows 7 Ultimate OS Installed. I want to create a Network and have control on all systems.

It should be 1+5. ie., One should be the Main system. The rest 5 PCs should be connected to the Main PC. The 5 connected PCs should have access to the Main System for Network Printing and Network Scanning. All the 5 PCs should not have any other access to the Main System.

The Main System should have All Access and Full Contoll on all other 5 PCs. It should have access to Delete, Modify, Write, Read, etc.

All the 5 PCs are directly connected to the switch port with each seperate network cable(ie. a cable from each system connected to the switch port. (totally 5 cables). The switch is directly connected to the Modem.

The Main System is also connected to the switch port with a seperate cable.

The access between the 5 PCs can be or cannot be accessible.-no issues whatever it is.

So now the main task is: How to configure the sytem network for this setup? Whether it should be Homegroup OR Workgroup OR Domain? -Kindly help me.

Help me with a schematic diagram if possible.
I wouldn’t put Homegroups in the same category as Workgroups and Domains. You can have Homegroups (for sharing resources) in either Workgroups or Domains. In fact, Homegroups are a Windows 7 specific feature.

Domains are overkill for most home users. They are about centralized control/management, something most medium to large businesses would absolutely need. But even a small business would probably find it unnecessary. It just adds too much complexity and may even require a full-time admin. The OS and licensing are more expensive as well. Domains are about controlling users/accounts and establishing global policies. Workgroups are about dealing w/ “peers” who control their own machines (and therefore are more autonomous) but still have the ability to share their resources among some or all their peers. So in that sense, Domains and Workgroups both offer much the same features. And you can always create an Administrator account on Windows 7 for yourself, and Standard accounts for others, to exercise some control over individual machines.

It’s my recommendation you at least START w/ a simple Workgroup until and unless you find it inadequate, esp. when you’re dealing w/ only 6 computers. If you need “full access and control”, use remote desktop solutions (RDP, VNC, TeamViewer, etc.). Of course, if the purpose is educational (i.e., you want to LEARN how to use a Domain), that's another story. I'm assuming this isn't the case, and that you have a practical need for whatever makes sense.

As far as the hardware (and maybe this was just as misspeak on your part), you need a router between your modem and the rest of your network devices, not a switch (or perhaps your modem *is* a combination modem+router). Of course, you can extend the router w/ a switch.