

Sep 18, 2001
I have 2 net cards in my pc and i want one for my internal network and the other to access the net.

to use internet conneciton sharing, on which card to i enable internet connection sharing for it to work.

i had it on my external card and it worked but i think it was lagging me bad.

i put it on my internal card and it is not working now.

wouldn't it make sense to have it on the internal card? Or is there somthing i don't know. Along with this.. when i enable it on the internal it doesn;t automatically switch the ip of that card, but the other one. whats going on?

who ever has the most ram when they die wins!
i did that, is somthing int he sharing process i need to look at, (which i will do now to check)

otherwise ya i know.. i did that

who ever has the most ram when they die wins!
Are you using Win2k SRV or Win2k Pro?

<i>"The FAA issued a wind sheer warning for my PC, I think I may have one to many fans in it..."</i>
I would reconmend using Win2k SRV with Routing and Remote (NAT) access instead of ICS. Its a a little more secure and robust, better performance and take up less system resources.

Since you have Pro instead of SVR I don't think it gives you the built in option to install, but there are ways.

Found this, but never tried it...

I tried ICS once and it ran slow so then I tried Win2k SVR with NAT and I can play Quake3 on multiple machines without a glitch and downloads are realy fast...

<i>"The FAA issued a wind sheer warning for my PC, I think I may have one to many fans in it..."</i>
ok well, i just wanna make sure that im doing the ICS right... cuz its not working and its the simplest way for me to get my other comp ont the internet...

the way thats its setup isn't working and i want to know why.

ICS is setup to work on my internal card becasue i think that when its setup on my external (which works) that it creates packet loss and general ping increase in games...

the thing is that its not working on my internal card, the other comp has no internet connection. i have network sharing capabilities but no internet.. i wanna know why.

who ever has the most ram when they die wins!
Can your other machines ping your ICS machine ok?

Try these directions from Microsoft (Q307311). The "second" network card they are refering to is the card that connects to your internet. They assume your PC allready has a card and is configured for a small network.|4654799

<i>"The FAA issued a wind sheer warning for my PC, I think I may have one to many fans in it..."</i>
No no. Use sharing on the connection that is connected to the internet.

not much point in "sharing" a local connection eh?
w2k pro/wxp will do this all just fine. You don't need w2k's nice for other stuff tho :)
I have an extra box of Win2k SRV with 10 licences lying around & I don't really need it, would you be interested in it?

<i>"The FAA issued a wind sheer warning for my PC, I think I may have one to many fans in it..."</i>
you don;t need to to give me win2k svr thanks anyway.. you should sell it or somthing...

umm ok but i think...well does ICS slow things down.. cuz i think it does, i have mad packet loss when i play games. i didn't want to go yelling at my isp when it might be a network issue that in any case, they don;t suppor it. If it isn;t ICS, then im going to go yell at my isp...

who ever has the most ram when they die wins!
<b>10Mhz8086</b> Where are you in the world? how much would you want for one or even two ?

If they squeeze olives to get olive oil, how do they get baby oil?
Southern CA... I used to be a contractor for Microsoft Southern California before 9-11

Picked a lotta cool stuff and neat info...

<i>"The FAA issued a wind sheer warning for my PC, I think I may have one to many fans in it..."</i>