New 1080 ti performing poorly

May 1, 2018
I just bought an MSI 1080 ti 11gb aero OC and it is performing no where near what I excepted. When playing the witcher 3 I am only getting around 30 to 40 fps. I also noticed my gpu usage is usually only around 40 to 50% while my cpu usage is always less than 30%. I have a 750w power supply so I don't think that's the issue I have also double checked to make sure all cables are properly plugged in. I have the newest drivers and I re formatted my drives before installing them so I know its not a conflict with drivers.

I am currently running a MSI 1080ti 11gb aero OC with a i5-7640X with 16gb 3000 ram on a X299 Raider mother board. I am fairly new to PC building so I could easily be missing something that could be very oblivious. I would appreciate any help thanks!
Hmm the bios switch on your board, around the bottom right corner, see if trying the other bios rom helps at all

Try clear cmos as well if you haven't done so it might help.
its possible that you are running the wrong cable into the wrong input on your monitor. I know that some monitors only support 30hz on hdmi for example in a certain input. what monitor and resolution are you trying run at and at what refresh rate? It's possible like you said that you are missing something obvious? you don't have a fps cap somewhere do you?
My monitor is a acer H236HL 60hz monitor It only has one input for hdmi. I'm running at 1920x1080. I dont have an fps cap on although I have tried setting one at 60fps to see if it did anything with no change.
Try the second newest driver. I had an issue with my 1080ti using 397.31 driver acting up but that was after playing a game where browsing or dragging a window in circles was very sluggish until i reboot. Fps was fine though.

Im on Win7 so can't say if Win10 is affected in someway but try 391.35.

I use ddu always and didn't get what i had happen with 391.35 driver. I installed the latest twice to be sure. Only game tested was Farcry5 so noidea if circumstances would've been different in other games but didn't want to find out.

I think I am first going to try and plug it into another PCIE slot and if that doesn't fix the issue Ill take your advise and try out the old drivers. If I'm not mistaken 397.31 is very recent so it could very easily just be buggy.
Yeah 397 is better, was for me too. So Win10's 397 version isn't buggy.

It might be just Witcher and a setting like Nvidia hair works or another setting involved you can look into.

Have you tried other games? Or benchmarks? Run 3Dmark Firestrike and Userbench and compare to other similar systems running at or close to frequency speeds for both cpu and gpu.

Other suggestions;

Power plans for both Windows and Nvidia set to performance

Disable game bar / xbox dvr

Not use Geforce experience to optimise your games

What resolution are you using?
I already changed nvidia and windows settings to performance. But something I did notice today was that even under load my cpu is only running at 0.80 ghz. My cpu temp never raises above 30 c. I'm thinking that something is wrong with my cpu or cpu cooler causing it to bottleneck my gpu.
What cooler?

Even water cooled should see more than 30c, into 40~50c range 100% load.

At 0.8ghz performance would be pretty bad. Sounds like cpu is throttling to prevent overheating.

Check bios settings, your cooler setup and double check Windows power settings again as it can throttle a cpu on low power setting.

Cosair H60 idle cpu temp is about 33 c and under load I'll sometimes get close to about 35 c. My cpu usage never goes above 30% and my CPU speed is seems to be stuck at 0.8ghz even under load. I double checked windows power settings and it is good. Bios is all default unless there is something I need to be changing.
Just checked cpu power cable and it looks good. CPU speed in bios is 0.8ghz. Before putting in the 1080ti I dont remember actually looking at the cpu speed. I'm assuming I was having this issue before installing the 1080ti I just didn't notice it.