My roommate just bought a 3500+ at a local computer show (Marketpro). I'm trying to find out for him if it's 90NM or 130NM. How can I tell by examing the heat spreader?
On a related note, he's selling me his P4 3Ghz. I use a stock Intel HSF and an Abit IC7. According to a previous post in which I inquired about installing a new HSF, I have learned to clean the CPU and HSF with uncontaminated acetone. I will do that, and replace the old pad with some Acrtic Silver 3. I will still be using the Intel HSF, and I just want to make sure that the uninstallation/reinstallation I have just described is in fact the best way to do it (If I have to do it I want to do it right).
On a related note, he's selling me his P4 3Ghz. I use a stock Intel HSF and an Abit IC7. According to a previous post in which I inquired about installing a new HSF, I have learned to clean the CPU and HSF with uncontaminated acetone. I will do that, and replace the old pad with some Acrtic Silver 3. I will still be using the Intel HSF, and I just want to make sure that the uninstallation/reinstallation I have just described is in fact the best way to do it (If I have to do it I want to do it right).