News New AMD add-on for overclocking utility allows further performance fine-tuning —Curve Shaper enables 15 voltage offset points

“The downside of Curve Shaper is that it significantly increases the complexity of overclocking a Ryzen CPU. Instead of stress testing just one offset voltage, users will need to stress test at least 15 different offset voltages”

I wish there were a completely automated overclocking/undervolting feature that would do the testing for us and determine the best settings. Would that be feasible?
Yeah, if someone can share a tool that can at least test cores individually and log problems, and maybe switch voltages in windows instead of BIOS, that would save a lot of time. I tried corecycler but the time commitment is ridiculous and my end result was slightly unstable but could never determine why and I ended up setting it to stock because performance gain was minimal to start with.
In my opinion, these chiplet based Ryzen chips works best when left at default or undervolted. I find it very difficult to cool chiplets due to the size. As a result, you may slap say an AIO water cooler on it and you can tell that the fan is ramping up sporadically due to the sudden spike in load. Delid may help, but its not for everyone.