New AMD laptop overheating over 100°C. Should I be worried about this?


Aug 15, 2014

I recently bought a new laptop (its about 2 days old), and iv'e been really worried about how hot it gets after a while. The laptop is a Lenovo Essential G505S, that runs an AMD A10 5750M CPU. When the laptop is left idle, it goes around 90-95 degree celsius. After about 30 minutes of gaming, it goes over 120 degree celsius. However, I don't experience any lag, any screen tearing or any blue screens of death. These temperatures were recorded in HWMonitor and Speccy. I'm also using a cooling pad, that's a Coolermaster L1 cooling pad.

Strangely, my GPU seems to be perfectly fine. At idle, it's at an average of 40-45 degrees. When playing a game, it reaches a maximum of 65 degrees. That's good right? :(

The cause of the overheating definitely couldn't be dust accumulation because it's just two days old. I don't play too many games, neither do I play games for too long. The laptop hasn't shutdown on it's own yet, and everything seems to be working fine. I'm just curious is if this is a faulty laptop or is my processor going to die soon? Please help!

Thanks, Raghav

Laptops always have a lot of heating problems in regards to the components. Your cpu should not be getting that hot. Then again, if you aren't expieriencing any slowdowns or BSOD then I personally think its fine. Laptops are gonna get hot! It what they do sadly. Considering its a AMD cpu, they are meant to get hot anyways. The regular heat plus the AMD cpu heat combined could be giving you those temps. I do not think its is a problem if you are not expierencing anything in regards to BSOD or shutdowns or even slow downs. 65 degrees is fine for a gpu, considering its a mobile gpu.


Aug 11, 2014

Laptops always have a lot of heating problems in regards to the components. Your cpu should not be getting that hot. Then again, if you aren't expieriencing any slowdowns or BSOD then I personally think its fine. Laptops are gonna get hot! It what they do sadly. Considering its a AMD cpu, they are meant to get hot anyways. The regular heat plus the AMD cpu heat combined could be giving you those temps. I do not think its is a problem if you are not expierencing anything in regards to BSOD or shutdowns or even slow downs. 65 degrees is fine for a gpu, considering its a mobile gpu.


Feb 4, 2015
I have a Lenovo g505s with the amd a10-5750m apu and these machines overheating is a common issue, the fan profiles are pretty poor, I resorted to leaving the bottom cover off in addition to a cooling pad, I spent a night thinking of a solution and the only logical one was to increase fan speed, as the speed is not controllable through software it only leaves a hardware choice, I personally cut the control cable to the fan so it runs at 100% and introduced a potentiometer on the power cable to allow me to adjust the speed. Not everyone is comfortable with this but I can now run the laptop intensively without fearing the thing may melt :D