New AMD Radeon 7000 series GPU Specs?


Oct 27, 2010
Is this website accurate with its information on specs about the new AMD Radeon 7000 series GPU's?

Video Cardz

I ask because I'd love to have oh, say a 7950 or a 7970 so, I'm trying to figure out what wattage power supply I will need when I do that new build. My dilemma is that my PSU is going out now so, I'd just like to get the right one so I can use it on that next new build. Would a 500w PSU be enough? I'm concerned about energy usage so efficiency concerns me. I do not want a 1000w PSU if I don't really need it and I'm hearing that a 500w PSU is enough for most GPU's.


May 6, 2011
A 500w is bare minimum for extremely high end cards like the 6950/6970. A 650-700w power supply is much more recommended as it give your system plenty of room to grow. I don't know about those next gen cards as far as power supply needs go. I would say though that you shouldn't take anything you find online about them at face value unless its direct from AMD.


Oct 27, 2010
I agree with you, ragenalien I don't really trust any websites on the issue of specs for these new AMD/Radeon 7000 GPU's. The website does say 'rumor.' That's why I bring it here to Tom's, a highly trusted and respected website on these issues.

AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series Specification Leaked

If there's any decent amount of accuracy at all some of these new 7000 series GPU's will use considerably less power. So, I thought I might be fine with a 500w or 550w PSU. I could settle for a 7870 with only 120W or a 7790 at only 85W.

So, it's unclear if using the 6xxx series as a barometer will be accurate. I'll have to wait and see.
almost what the site said is true, the new AMD 7k series high end GPUs HD 79xx are equipped with the new XDR2 rambus memory which is twice faster than GDDR5, the 28nm process uses less power and generates less heat besides the GPUs are equipped with 2 GB VRAM and 1 GHz GPU frequency.

specs leaked here as well at Toms... no Rumor at all



double negative? so you think they ARE accurate??
aw crap, lol i totally look stupid right now, i really shouldn't read watch tv and play a game at the same time... to clarify i think those results ARE NOT accurate :)

i really really doubt the 7790 will take 10 more watts then a 5670 or 6670 :)


Oct 27, 2010
Hey, where are the AMD motherboards with PCIe 3.0 support that was said would be out by now? Remember that Tom's article from August 3, 2010?

PCI Express 3.0: On Motherboards By This Time Next Year?

It's 4Q yet, I've heard nothing - not even any leaks from AMD. However, AMD did leak that their 7k GPU's would have PCIe 3 support.

AMD Radeon HD 7000 GPU Series to Feature PCI Express 3.0 Support

I'm going to do a new build when all the AMD next generation platform comes out with full PCIe gen 3 support. I'm just nearly bald pulling my hair out waiting for it that's all.


May 16, 2011
Dude.. there are like 10 boards out right now that support PCI Express 3.0

Quick google search or search on newegg will reveal about 4 boards from AsRock, about 3-4 from MSI and a few from Gigabyte..


They are all for Intel Platforms not AMD

if you read from Wikipedia you'll find out the PCIe 3.0 was going to be implemented on the HD 6K series, but AMD waited to have it's full native support for PCIe 3.0 in the AMD HD 7K series.
the CPU must support PCIe 3.0 bandwidth and that's what we're waiting to see from the Bulldozer Specs

the question ihave is can current or upcoming technology benefit from 3.0 since we are barely using 2.0 x8, would dual gpu cards take advantage of it? and can the northbridge support such fast speeds or will that become a bottleneck?

Edit: what is up with the number 18 after everyones post?



Oh you too? I thought it was just my browser. o_O. I was reading one post and I was like "huh? Is 18 some new fad thing to do?" I thought it was jsut me since everyone seemed to not notice it. Its appearing in older forums too.

On topic... Maybe the new memory thing that amd is proposing will help implement the bandwith?

Edit: to remove the 18 type 18 manually at end of post and delete it after posting it. it dissapears.


Oct 27, 2010
"A spokesperson from Nvidia was a little more forthcoming: “Nvidia is a key contributor to the industry’s development of PCI Express 3.0, which is expected to have twice the data throughput of the current generation (2.0). Whenever there is a major increase in bandwidth like that, applications emerge that take advantage of it. This will benefit consumers and professionals with increased graphics and computing performance from notebooks, desktops, workstations, and servers that have a GPU”. "

We will have to wait and see what the benchmarks say, I guess. I don't see doubling the bandwidth a bad thing, I see it as a very positive thing. There will exist no applications for PCIe gen 3 if they don't come out with it. PCIe 3 is part of the next new generation platform. It makes PCIe 2 look like PCI 1 when gen 2 came out.