"New" board USB device not recognized


Oct 26, 2016
Motherboard is a P8H61-M LX PLUS REV 3.0
Did a clean install and still having issues

So the mouse, keyboard , and WiFi stick work sluggishly when using the back usbs or the front panel usbs connected the the board.. But I just got in a USB 3.0 PCI card and with that connected the devices work fine and no more pop ups about unrecognized USB devices.. Iv googled and tried maybe 10 solutions for the issue but if I plug anything into the usbs other then the PCI card ones I get rolling notifications .. Again the devices work even on the boards usbs but they run sluggish and I get lots of notifications.. Any ideas? Or do I need to return then motherboard as faulty? (Luckly I do have 30 hassle free returns , but even of I didn't eBay buyer protection is pretty good about this kinda stuff)... I posted about this before but it was removed.. I did "bump" the thread after 24 hours , is that what the issue was? .. Iv searched the threads with no luck to resolve the issue
Oh ok, I seen some bumping going on in threads asking this same question tbh, BUT I understand that they can't "catch" everyone . now I know.. Alright yes I installed seemly unrelated drivers like HD audio ect, bios has been updates.. So about 45 mins into using the PCI USB 3.0 I got one pop up with the same issue but only once..so far.. Is there such a thing with the usbs being usable but just some defect on the board that gives this error.. WiFi speeds were jumpy 2mps to almost 15mps , before this motherboard and with the PCI usbs it's steady 35+
Iv tried a Microsoft thing that looks for hardware issues and it finds the issue and wants to restart to fix it but it never fixes it.. Then if I uninstall the unknown device it reinstalles an "unknown device driver" also when I have 3 things plugged in it shows a 4th thing.. That being the unknown device