New Build 3k - Opinion ?

Aug 19, 2018
Hi everyone,

This is a build I always wanted to have and I have received a new amount of money to spend, so I was thinking of this, if anyone could maybe just double check if I choosed something wrong, or any recommandations ?

This will be a gaming computer, for epic quality in any games.

BeastPC :

My max budget is 4 000$, if you have any idea I am open to read them!

Thank you everyone and happy holidays

Well let me say that from the rumored specs out there right now, the RTX 2060 will be very similar to a GTX 1070. Not exactly something I would recommend for a build of this caliber.

As far as the GTX 1080 Ti vs RTX 2070, that's something you will have to decide. The RTX 2070 will give you better value now, but the 1080 Ti will give you better value over the next few years.
A few things I would like to point out..

Don't buy 2 RAM kits. Just buy 1 kit with the amount of RAM you want. Different kits might not work or work well together. 16GB is plenty for gaming at 1080p and should be for a long time.

That monitor is FreeSync, which works with AMD GPUs only (the FreeSync not the monitor). You might consider G-Sync.

1080p is overkill for a GTX 1080 Ti right now, but as games get more demanding it will be just right down the road. So not a big deal if you plan to keep this PC for many years.

I don't know much about sound cards, but I know the Z370-E has very good built-in high-def digital audio. I always hear that unless you are a professional audio creator and/or have very expensive speakers/headphones you don't need a dedicated sound card.

Why get that cheap SSD? I would simply get a 1TB 860 EVO instead of 2 different smaller SSDs. Real world performance you won't see much difference in the 970 EVOand the 860 EVO.

The i7-9700K would be better even for streaming (requires Z390 to ensure compatibility.)


If you want 32GB, by 2x16GB rather than 4x8GB, IMO. You have a CPU with dual channel RAM controller, it is optimized with two DIMMs. Why would you have a 240GB SATA SSD, with a 500GB M.2 ? You don't need a WIFI card, the motherboard has built-in WIFI. A sound card is most likely a waste of money. Try the built-in audio first. That board has high-end audio specs.

Definitely, not much point in a high end sound card if you just have some "computer speakers". Not even a low end stereo system. The equipment doesn't have the fidelity to really matter which card you have.

Heck, I have a Yamaha Pre-Amp, Yamaha Amp and Boston Acoustics tower speakers. All high end models from the golden age of stereos. It's an extraordinary sounding system with no distortion at deafening volumes. I don't notice a difference between using a dedicated CD player or my computer with decent built in audio playing Lossless audio via iTunes. The only difference comes from playing an LP.

I think the difference really comes in if you are replacing some junk motherboard audio. Usually the high end boards have a decent chipset, caps and isolation. Otherwise you need to be a pro with pro gear to hear the difference. For most people I think it is just the placebo effect. Like that test were they put cheap but good wine in an expensive bottle and it got a higher rating by judges.


Jun 13, 2013

don't pay 500.00 for a 8700k. Or is that just how prices in Canada are? In the U.S. you can get an 8700k for a little over 300.00... that build just seems so expensive for what's in it.



You still have way more graphics card than 1080p can use. A 2070 or even the soon to be released 2060 would be a better match.
Aug 19, 2018

Sadly 500$ CAD is 360$ USD... its almost the same price with money exchange haha, you think I am overpaying ? What would you suggest instead ?
Aug 19, 2018

1080ti for 1000$ was the most reliable choice regarding the quality of imagine? I saw 2070 around 800$ but isnt too cheap ? I know 1080ti is strong graphic card, but I am not uptade to the market as you may are, so I should change ? Isnt a titan better than a 2070?

This is a 2070 :
This is with 2080ti : (they dont show the price, but its 1 750$ CAD) meaning my total will become : 4 550$

Is it really worth the 2070 vs 2080ti ? vs the 1080ti ?
Aug 19, 2018

Meaning the 2070 with 8g, around 800$ would be a better choice vs 1000$ for 1080ti 11gb ?

My games are ; Battlefield V, Csgo, cod bo4 & some music productions on the side, but gaming is my principal wonder atm.

Btw thanks for taking time to help me, really appreciated
Aug 19, 2018

Thanks for the ssd information, i have changed if you could check, but is it obligated to choose G-Sync for intel ? God damnit the screens are expensive regarding the type available, I would like to have a curved screen, but basic screen is around 600$ for a regular screen bruh !
Aug 19, 2018

I will not buy it now, I will buy some part each month regarding my new budget I received ! I will give away my pc i builded in october to my brother and will use this one for my purposes.

I know it may look stupid but... when the number decrease, the quality also ?
Like 2080 is 1.6K, 2070 800$ !! half price, but as you said,I wont use 100% of it, not even 50%.


Quality, no. Total performance, yes. BUT, for a 1080p monitor, that doesn't matter. When the 2060 card is released, you can read the reviews. You can see what kind of 1080p performance it provides.
Your question is like asking is a Honda Civic lower quality than a Chevy SUV because the Honda is cheaper? There is no direct correlation between price and quality.
Aug 19, 2018

Alright I gotchu, my monitor wont show the 100% of imagine I could have since its not support higher than 1080p, i would just waste money and couldn't see the difference, thanks buddy! I will buy the GPU at the end once I mostly received all my parts.

Funny you bringing Honda, because I own a civic and you made me laugh hahaha good one!


What are you playing.. League of Legends?? At 1080p the RTX 2070 can be utilized fully in AAA games like Battlefield V. And the 1080 Ti maybe 90% and up with a fast Intel CPU.

I'm sorry, but the numbers you are giving are way off. Maybe you were just trying to prove the point of utilization and getting a card that is more fully utilized, which you are correct. But the 1080 Ti is only a little more than what current major 1080p games can saturate.

I would far rather have too much GPU in some games than not enough in other games.
Aug 19, 2018

Okay so this brings me back to, its better for me to pay more, so the 1080ti 11G (1000$) vs a 2070 8g (800$) ?
I have a 1070 and its running really good, but I can feel with battlefied V that i cant push it too much, same for Fornite/Cs some graphics are not 100% clear
Well let me say that from the rumored specs out there right now, the RTX 2060 will be very similar to a GTX 1070. Not exactly something I would recommend for a build of this caliber.

As far as the GTX 1080 Ti vs RTX 2070, that's something you will have to decide. The RTX 2070 will give you better value now, but the 1080 Ti will give you better value over the next few years.
Aug 19, 2018

That was pretty much clear man, I rather have the best value over the next few years because im planing to go pro so this build has to last me at least 3-5 years without having to change anything, unless ssd / ram