New build - ASRock Fatal1ty x370 not posting


Aug 7, 2017
Hi all,

First off, here's my build:

Got fed up of my old PC so decided to have a go at building a new one, this is my first time building a PC. The only things I've carried over from my old build is the PSU, the case, and the HDD.

So the rig powers on, CPU fan spins, case fan doesn't spin (I'm not sure if it only turns on at a certain temp or if it's not working). There is no video output from the HDMI. I've also realized I also can't hear a beep indicating posting but I think I can hear the HDD turning on (familiar sound from old PC) - can't verify that though, not sure if it matters.

Power lights turn on, mobo light stays on. PC doesn't reboot, just stays whirring away.

Other thing that might be of note is as my old MoBo was a Mini ATX I only have 6 stand offs holding the mobo up instead of the 10 or so it recommends on the case.

So far I've tried:

  • ■ Ensuring 24 and 8 pins are connected correctly
    ■ Trying HDMI cable in both GPU and MoBo
    ■ Another HDMI cable I know works
    ■ Both ram sticks in both pairs of slots
    ■ Using 1 ram stick
    ■ Removing GPU and powering on
    ■ Unplugging all components except CPU / CPU fan (system powers, no beeping noises, cpu fan spins)
    ■ With components disconnected, unplugged reset switch, computer powers, CPU fan spins, but computer endlessly reboots
    ■ Checked for bent CPU pins (none)
    ■ Checked for thermal paste run off (none that I can see)

Here's some images:

  • ■ Right amount of thermal paste?
    ■ Do I need a full set of stand offs?
    ■ I'm not sure what those 4 brown rubberplastic things are for but they look like they could be used to lift the mobo? - This is a gif + image of the cpu top pre-paste, I had sent this to my friend as there looked like there was a mark on it around where it says 'ryzen' in small font, could this be causing the issue? It looks a bit like the kind of mark you'd get when you peel a sticker off a case or something, left over glue or whatever. I wiped it with an unused cloth that's used for my glasses lenses but there was no resistance and no visual change.

I'm now thinking I go out and buy an insulated pad and try breadboard the system. Before I do though just wondering if anyone had any other suggestions I could try? Maybe a different output like Display Port, though my mobo only has hdmi onboard so I'm assuming hdmi would work from the off. Slightly concerned the MoBo is dead...

Thanks in advance!

Hi, sorry for the late reply. So I ended up returning the motherboard and buying a new one. However, I am very confident the problem was that the bios on the motherboard was an older version that was incompatible with the CPU.

So if you have access to an older CPU you can use to get your PC going and flash your mobo to the most recent version that could solve the problem. As I said I ordered a new mobo from and paid £10 for them to update it to the most modern version. PC worked straight away.

Hope you manage to get this fixed!

Hi, sorry for the late reply. So I ended up returning the motherboard and buying a new one. However, I am very confident the problem was that the bios on the motherboard was an older version that was incompatible with the CPU.

So if you have access to an older CPU you can use to get your PC going and flash your mobo to the most recent version that could solve the problem. As I said I ordered a new mobo from and paid £10 for them to update it to the most modern version. PC worked straight away.

Hope you manage to get this fixed!