New build bootloop?

Sep 13, 2018
So i upgraded my pc buying a new motherboard and cpu
I just tried to launch my pc after plugging in every cable and i find it to be going on a bootloop not showing anything on my monitor
My build,
mobo : gigabyte B360m d3h
Cpu : I5 8600k
Gpu : xfx r7 370 4gb
Ram : 2x4gb ddr4 corsair vengeance lpx
Psu: corsaur vs650
step 17 are you getting any beeps from the speaker?

canned diagnostic speaker rant
The diagnostic speaker is the motherboards main diag feedback device.
the motherboard may be telling you where the problem is.
my speakers have this plug
I use lamp wire but any stranded wire will do. literally any stranded wires. strip one end like so
attach the stripped end into the speaker spring clips on the speaker.
the other end of the wire should be trimmed like so the semi strip
by doing a semi strip the wire case is now the socket.
plug one wire to the first pin, and the second onto the fourth pin.
power on the system and listen for beeps
end canned rant

did you get anything when you removed the GPU and ran from the motherboard?
can you try another PSU, the vs series is not the most reliable, and I would consider it suspect until cleared.
I dont have a mobo speaker on my oher motherboard the psu works but the cpu on that one is dead so it keeps running but no activity i dont have any other psu to my availability and since i dont have a lot of money left to work with thats an issue