new build boots to windows install then upon windows install start it bsods

Sep 14, 2018
new build boots to windows install usb, but upon install start it will bsod. i thought it may have something with the bios to do, so i booted to the bios, but it got up some weird screen, where it didn't react to input, so i turned it off, now it wont output anything to the display.

mobo:ASRock FM2A68M-HD+ Socket FM2+/ AMD A68H/ DDR3/ SATA3&USB3.0/ A&GbE/ MicroATX Motherboard

cpu:AMD A6-7400 Dual-Core APU Kaveri Processor 3.5GHz Socket FM2+, Retail

ram: Vengeance ddr3

hdd: seagate barracuda 1tb

psu: corsair CX460
First, do a cmos reset to get the bios back to factory conditions. Then, try to boot into the bios.
Second, how did you create the windows install usb? I'd recommend doing to Microsoft's windows 10 download site and using their Media Creation tool.
Sep 14, 2018

i got the usb from work and have used it to install windows on pcs before.
also, the computer cannot be shut off with the buttons on the case, it can be started with them but not shut off