NEW BUILD- Freezing and FPS drops!

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Jan 26, 2015

Here is my build: I5-4690, MSI R9 290x, 8gb G.skill ram, Asrock Fatality H97 Killer, Seagate Barracuda 1tb 7200 rpm HDD, Roseweill 630 watt PSU.

One time when I checked temps GPU was 74c and CPU was 68c.

This was built maybe a week ago.
I've been getting some computer freezing, bad FPS drops, stuttering.

The first few days of use was amazing, everything on ultra, good frames, fast computer. Now it's pissing me off.

With the FPS drops. When playing league of legends, it usually stays at 60fps constantly. Now it will be at 60 fps and drop down to 40 and freeze for a second(like my old computer used to on low). In BF4 I will be running or in a vehicle and it will stutter or kind of jump back and forth real quick and the FPS drops. A few examples of the frame drops: in a boat not near anything 140 drops to 60, running around 100 drops to 30, running around 90 dropped to 3!!! Every time it drops it freezes really quick then comes back, like it's shaking.

Yesterday the computer froze. The mouse would move but nothing else would happen. One time when it froze I could hear the hard drive but nothing was happening, so I had to force restart. Also, the mouse will get jumpy/stick. If I'm trying to click on a spawn point I won't be able to move the mouse to click what I want or I can't turn a gun a the boat, the cursor will just move all over the place erratically.

And now, when I try to reduce BF4 to check my temps or look on the internet, it will try to reduce and then jump back in game. Or when I do get it reduced, if something is covering a different page I want to see and I try to reduce it, the game will come back up instead of the thing I clicked being reduce. For example; I reduced BF4 to check Afterburner and task manager, trying to reduce Afterburner and BF4 took over the screen, reduce again, click the reduce button on task manager, BF4 comes back up.

Any ideas to all this random nonsense? Sorry it's kinda long but I wanted to give any info I can.
This is most likely related to the hard drive. Install some hard drive monitoring software, if the usage is always at 100%, the textures and sound files aren't loading fast enough, so the CPU and GPU slows down until they receive the required data.

First you should check your HDD's S.M.A.R.T. info. It tells you if your hard drive has any problem. If the health is "good" it should be fine.

Crystalmark is free and light (3MB)

To monitor the hard drive you don't need special software, you can use the windows 8 task manager, of if you are using windows 7, go in the Resource Monitor.

EDIT: In the Windows 8 Task manager, there is a problem if the disk is stuck at 100%
In the Windows 7 Resource Monitor, you have to check the Queue Length, if the graph stays at the top for a long time, there is a problem.

this is what i got

Could it be that I need a BIOS update? When I use F-Stream tuning it shows me having the first one(1.10) and the latest is 1.90, but when I choose to update it, it won't. Should I manually install 1.90 from the Asrock website? If so, which one?
CPU-Z shows 8gb in dual channel. Here is an update.

I've run Memtest86 and Crystal mark, they came back fine.
Ran Microsoft memory test, it came back fine.
Monitored temps in game, highest cpu was 73c and highest GPU was 74c but stayed mostly around 68c.
HDD load while loading a game is 99%, while in game it goes down to around 13% and jumps around some.

I just uninstalled the GPU drivers and tried to re-install them but now it will only install 13.1, and not 14.12 like I originally had. It will do the download and then when it's nearing the end the program closes. Now in BF4 I don't have the option for DX11 or Mantle. I'm going to keep trying to get 14.12 to correctly install.

I'm wondering if it may be a bad MOBO. A couple times now I have had the sound cut out so only one speaker is working, when I moved the plugs to the front case port it worked fine. Also, the keyboard became unresponsive and I had to unplug it and plug it back in for it to work. And the mouse becomes erratic and jumpy. I did an online RMA with newegg and going to buy a different brand and get a refund. Even if he MOBO isn't the main problem I don't want to deal with random problems with the ports.
I've uninstalled the drivers with Display Driver Uninstaller and re-installed all drivers , updated Intel Chipset drives. All drivers should be up to date. Still getting FPS drops in all games. While playing League, now when I die or am about to die my FPS drops and it freezes and comes back quickly, like my old POS computer used to do.
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