Approximate Purchase Date: Mid August
Budget Range: $550
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Everyday use, gaming
Parts Not Required: CPU, RAM, Monitor, Mouse, OS
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: newegg, amazon
Country of Origin: U.S
Parts Preferences: Motherboard capable of using the CPU's integrated graphic
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Monitor Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Additional Comments: This will be my first PC build and so far I've only acquired 2 parts off sales.
i5 2500k Sandy Bridge CPU $150 from Frys
Gskill 8gb DDR3 1600 (12800) Ram, $55 from Newegg
so that leaves $345 for the motherboard, power supply, hard drive, cd drive, and case
For now I'm in no need of a GPU, the integrated graphic on the i5 2500k should be good enough according to the review I've seen on anandtech and notebookcheck. I play Blizzard games and I don't mind running them on low, but unless I misread the reviews then please let me know. I need help picking a motherboard out, not really sure which one to choose.
For a power supply I thought i'd go with this one allowing me to add in a decent GPU in the future
For a hard drive I chose this, but would like some recommendations if there is a better one
CD Drive
That leaves about $160 for a motherboard. I would prefer not to go and get a $160 motherboard, some left over money would be nice.
Oh and this may be a stupid question, but would I need to buy anything to connect the computer to my router with an ethernet cable? or is it part of the motherboard?
Anyway thanks for checking this post out
Budget Range: $550
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Everyday use, gaming
Parts Not Required: CPU, RAM, Monitor, Mouse, OS
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: newegg, amazon
Country of Origin: U.S
Parts Preferences: Motherboard capable of using the CPU's integrated graphic
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: No
Monitor Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Additional Comments: This will be my first PC build and so far I've only acquired 2 parts off sales.
i5 2500k Sandy Bridge CPU $150 from Frys
Gskill 8gb DDR3 1600 (12800) Ram, $55 from Newegg
so that leaves $345 for the motherboard, power supply, hard drive, cd drive, and case
For now I'm in no need of a GPU, the integrated graphic on the i5 2500k should be good enough according to the review I've seen on anandtech and notebookcheck. I play Blizzard games and I don't mind running them on low, but unless I misread the reviews then please let me know. I need help picking a motherboard out, not really sure which one to choose.
For a power supply I thought i'd go with this one allowing me to add in a decent GPU in the future
For a hard drive I chose this, but would like some recommendations if there is a better one
CD Drive
That leaves about $160 for a motherboard. I would prefer not to go and get a $160 motherboard, some left over money would be nice.
Oh and this may be a stupid question, but would I need to buy anything to connect the computer to my router with an ethernet cable? or is it part of the motherboard?
Anyway thanks for checking this post out