New build is so slow

Jeremiah Barnette

Dec 6, 2014
My son loves my pc so i thought for Christmas I would build him one, a cheap budget one so he can get used to one, i used i3 6100 with a old gtx 680 i had laying around, and man is this thing slow, it boots up fine but programs take like 30sec-1min to open and like 50% of the time i double click the icon and nothing happens i have to re-double click it to open, I loaded him up watch dogs 2 and had to turn resolution down to 720p to get it playable, could it be the old gpu? Or am i just used to i7/1080? I was thinking of maybe selling the 680 and trying to buy a rx470 but what do you all think?
I have to be honest and say I don't think you'll get great FPS on a game as demanding as Watch Dogs 2 with that setup. The 680 could definitely do with replacing, but a new one too powerful will get bottlenecked by the i3 so an RX 470 or a 1060 would be an ideal match. Altho a 680 was a high level card its got pretty outdated architecture now.

You get too used to i7's. I had to use a Pentium 4 recently for something. Couldn't believe how slow it was lol. Get the kid a new GPU already! 😀
I used the stock heat sink that came with it, and using a h110 board I think so no over clock the thermal paste was already pre installed on fan, I checked real temp and heat seemed ok driver wise though I just installed GeForce experience

Yea I been hearing great things about the rx 470-480s I think imma get him one and try it out, I haven't used a team red card in awhile (since diamond 9250 I think it was called lol)