Hello all! Not sure if i am in the right department for this. Please let me know if i am not.
I built my first computer 1/14/16.
Here is the parts list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/pcYwRB
Now to get started, i built this in my kitchen on a desk, and counter space. With my screwdriver set for building computers. Also have a nice anti-static wrist band.
Here is what happened, i get all the parts together (With some self help videos) And everything turned on, but there may have been a small flash by the CPU+ Water cooler (where they connect). And it smelled like smoke, but i could not tell really well, with where i moved the PC to be connected into an outlet, and to a monitor. Now, every light on the Graphics card, motherboard, and the water cooler are still on. They still work, and it seems everything is still getting power. None of the case fans are working. The fans on the water cooler DO work.
My friend took the water cooler off. cleaned the chip up with some type of cleaner for taking off the thermal paste. And the chip looks fine, and still new. We did not look under the chip or take the motherboard off. We re-applied the thermal paste and put the cooler back on, My Friend turned the PC back on. (After connecting power). And everything seems to be getting power still. But there is no signal to the monitor still. We did try just hooking the monitor straight to the motherboard, and still no response. As of right now the motherboard looks fine, after we inspected the front. (Not the back) No blemishes or burns, or anything.
I am not positive, and nor is my friend, if everything is hooked up right.
Here is some pics of everything connected. <When i figure out how to put some pics in>