new build memory problem


Nov 17, 2015
just built new pc. i7 9700k cpu. asus rog maximus x hero mobo. 32gb ddr4 vengeance lpx. will not boot with more than 2 sticks memory

i can put any 2 of 4 in slots a1 and b1 and i get 1 beep and system boots fine. if i try to add more ram i get no beeps and no boot

i have breadboarded the system before putting back in case. cpu and socket are not damaged. rog asus maxilus x hero. ddr4 i7 9700k cpu nvidia gtx 1060 6gb


ok i will look again, is there anything i should be looking for. or is it just a case of cleaning and renewing thermal paste?

ok as i lifted the lever on top of the cpu, a handful of pins fell out!!!!!!!!!!!! so definetely a new motherboard. the question is do i need a new cpu also.