New Build- Need Advice


Jul 12, 2007
First time posting made error before in subject matter
Will be building as soon as Intel prices are lowered would
appreciate any advice on the choices I have made
Intel Quad core Q6600
Asus P5K Deluxe Wi-Fi
OCZ Gold PC 6400 4GB CL5-5-5-12
BFG Geforce 8800 GTX OC 768 MB
Thermaltake V1 Copper Heatpipe
Apevia X-discovery ATX Case
OCZ GameXStream 700 W PSU
Seagate Barracuda 7200 500 GB HD
Lite-on 20 X DVD Burner
Microsoft Vista home Premium 32-bit
Mitsumi 7 in 1 Floppy Drive and Flash Reader
Just 4 Questions please
1. Should i go with 64 bit or 32 bit Windows
2. Is 4GB memory too much ( 2 GB too little)
3.would you recommend a different motherboard
4. Power supply efficient enough
Thanks for all of your input, hoping to put my order in as soon as the Intel Price drops :hello:
1. 64 bit if you want to use 4 GB of ram. be wary of hardware compatiblity though.
2. More is better, but you probably dont need it right now. of course, if you want it for future proofing...
3. dont know really.
4. dont see why not.

why the floppy drive?
Go 64 bit with the 4 gigs or go 32 bit with 2 gigs. The 32 bit won't recognize all of your ram. I can't answer question 3 and 4 but it looks like a nice system over all. Best of luck to you.
I'd go with the e6850 instead of the quad core. Not enought apps use the 4 cores if you wait you can get the new 45nm quad cores and there will probably more apps that will use them. 1. Well if you are getting the retail Vista you can always use 32 bit now and when 64 bit becomes viable just upgrade from the same copy, but I doubt you'll have driver issues with 64 unless you have old hardware that doesn't have 64 bit drivers.
2. 4 gbs isnt too much now a days the prices are low and if you use 32 bit vista all of it will be used even though it registers 3.5 gigs.
3. I really like the asus but judging by the reviews I think gigabyte might be a better option, the DS6 ofcourse.
4. That PSU is more than enought you won't have any problems.

I don't know about that apevia case seems flimsy to me, I'd go for an antec 900 I have one and it keeps everything cool and with decent fans it isn't noisy, I've seen it for 90 bucks at circuit city. And finally after reading lots of reviews I'd get the Tuniq Tower its almost as good as thermalrights ultra 120 but it looks prettier. Well hope this helps you.
Was looking at the antec case also was looking at the E6850, not an overclocker but thought that a quad core would extend the time that I might have to upgrade to a quad later on.
Want to thank everyone for their suggestions
Also why the floppy drive , only for the fact that it has the card reader in it, can I get a drive that has just a card reader