New build. Need opinions.


Nov 29, 2007
Well guys I decided its time for an upgrade from my old PC that has 1 of the 2 9800 gtx's going bad and an outdated e8400.
So here's what I've picked

Let me know what you guys think.
I went with 750w PSU in case I pick up another 780 in the future.
Also how big of a deal is it to run 1.6v ram with a 4770k?

Thanks in advance.

No point in a 500GB SSD. Just get a 120GB SSD for $90 and a 1Tb or more HDD with 1TB for $60 and go from there. The SSD should load...
My question to you is, do you really need 500gb on the SSD? I would suggest getting a WD Caviar black 1tb hard drive and a 120 or 256gb Samsung 840 Pro SSD. It would make it at least $100 cheaper and a faster SSD.

Another question, is that case in particular important to you? I have a few cases in mind that have a good look to them and 50% of the price as your case.

Last question, did you pick your RAM for any particular reason? If you have a really amazing GPU, then there won't be a need for high performance RAM.
Decided on the ssd just so the whole system could benefit from its speed. I know it won't be a ton but it should help. I don't think I'll run out of space butif iI do down the road I'll throw another in there.They should be a bit cheaper by then too.

The case I chose because I like the look and its somewhat innovative and different I guess. It also has great cooling. But if you have other ideas I'm all ears. That's what this is for.

As far as the ram I liked the 8 cas speed for the price and the look is amazing with the board. And the ability to take the heat sinks off easily if they don't fit.

So you're pretty much set in stone with the SSD and RAM. Now, for the case. The one I am going to purchase is this:

Another one that was recommended to me is this:
Those are nice cases no doubt but for whatever reason they just don't catch my eye, if that makes sense. I understand the price point though. But I would think the 540 would do just as good a job at cooling if not better since everything isn't packed into one side.

As far as the ram and ssd go would you change it for any other reason than price?
Also back to my question before. The 4770k should be fine with 1.6v ram right? The only reason I ask is that partpicker says there may be a compatibility issue with it since it reccomends 1.5v for the CPU. I thought that was all dependent on the mobo.

No point in a 500GB SSD. Just get a 120GB SSD for $90 and a 1Tb or more HDD with 1TB for $60 and go from there. The SSD should load windows and any other programs you want while the HDD can store the rest. If not the 120GB SSD then go for a 256GB SSD, but a 500GB SSD is just a waste.

As for the ram it's better to play it safe and stick with 1.5V. Get this ram, it's the same speed and is cheaper:

Hope this helped :)