Dan_caldwell :
MyHD4870x2Melted :
Do what Alexoiu suggested.
Remove all of your ram then see if you can boot with only one ram stick at a time.
If you can boot with some but not with others then it is bad RAM
If you cannot boot with any then make sure all your components are plugged in and secure.
If things still do not work, see if you can get a cheap video card or barrow someones doesn't matter how crappy.
If you still can't run then it could be your PSU.
If you change your PSU and it still won't boot then it is a CPU/MB problem
I don't think it is the ram as I am using the ram from my old machine which the parts are for upgrading it, I will just send all of the components back and get a refund and use the money to by a pre built machine
lol that is one solution I guess.
This is why when I build a system I salvage as few components from my previous build as possible.
That way I have components to swap if something goes wrong and I need to test to see if parts are bad.
I still have AGP video cards floating around, as well as some pre-ddr ram. X.x