New Build Not Booting


Jan 22, 2015
I've waited exactly six months for my first computer to be complete and now I have finally put all the parts together. I plugged everything in, pressed the power button, the lights on the inside come on and the CPU fan starts spinning but nothing appears on screen. I have been trying to get it working for two hours now. I tried switching the RAM around, checking all connections to the motherboard and pressing all the reset buttons but nothing happens. Case fans are not on either.
The post code just says 00
Here is my build:
PCPartPicker part list:

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: Asus MAXIMUS VII GENE Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory: Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-2400 Memory
Case: Corsair 350D Window MicroATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair RM 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply
Total: $556.85
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-01-19 22:26 EST-0500

From what I can tell, I believe the problem could be RAM since the voltage for RAM compatible with the CPU is 1.575v but the RAM I have is 1.6v. The problem could also be the connections to the motherboard or the motherboard touching the case but that doesn't seem likely.
The two digit post code of 00 is to say all the hardware of the system checked out ok with the bios initialization and testing
When you power the board up, there are a set of led lights also positioned near.

The cpu
The memory slots.
The graphics card, Pci-e slot of the motherboard.
And one near the Sata ports of the motherboard.

Any that are lit with a solid red led light indicate a problem with that bit of hardware, or how it is set up as any second indicator to a possible hardware problem.

If you see or have no red led light`s lit, as well as a post code of 00.
Nothing is in fact wrong.

The things to check in this situation are.

1. That you have connected the Eight pin E-atx power plug from the power supply unit in the system to...
Yea it may be the ram, another thing is... if you have any kind of video output on your motherboard use that and see if you can boot it. Does it go to the bios at all? Or no video completely?
The two digit post code of 00 is to say all the hardware of the system checked out ok with the bios initialization and testing
When you power the board up, there are a set of led lights also positioned near.

The cpu
The memory slots.
The graphics card, Pci-e slot of the motherboard.
And one near the Sata ports of the motherboard.

Any that are lit with a solid red led light indicate a problem with that bit of hardware, or how it is set up as any second indicator to a possible hardware problem.

If you see or have no red led light`s lit, as well as a post code of 00.
Nothing is in fact wrong.

The things to check in this situation are.

1. That you have connected the Eight pin E-atx power plug from the power supply unit in the system to your motherboard. The eight pin block on the motherboard is located at the top just off to the right of the mPcie slot. If you have not connected all of the eight pins required then the board will only half post with no screen output. and some of your fans will not spin when connected to the motherboard via the fan headers.

2. You never mentioned if you had a Pci-e graphics card in the slot of the motherboard.

If you have, make sure any 12v Pci-e power plugs from the Psu are connected directly from the power supply unit to the graphics card fitted into the Pci-e graphics card slot of the motherboard. The power blocks can be six or eight pins.

When you first set up a motherboard and power it up the monitor should be connected to the motherboard display out put port.
If you look on the motherboard you will see a HDMI display port, connect your monitor to this first.

You should then get a display image when you first power the system on.
Hit the key that enters you into the bios of the motherboard.

In the section that deals with initialization of default graphics device set the option to Pci-e, or Peg mode.
Once done save the changes made, before you exit your bios settings.

Now swap the video cable over to the Graphics port of the Pci-e based graphics card.
And you will then have video signal output from that video card to the monitor connected to it.

Then simply enter the bios again and make all of the other changes you may need to do.

The problem is down to a lack of power, or that the monitor should of been first connected to the HDMI video port of the motherboard to get a video display on your monitor.


I don't see any red led's lighting up, so I guess that's good. I do have a monitor plugged in. I do not have a GPU. Absolutely nothing appears on screen but I know that the monitor works. I think the first solution may work, [strike]I don't have anything plugged into that port, eATX12v right? There is another port that is 4pin right next to that one labeled CPU_opt, should I plug something into that? I don't know if I have the right cable to connect to the eATX because the pin holes don't match shapes.[/strike]
edit: It is working now! I plugged in that cable and it works! Tank you so much. I was scared I would have to buy a new part.