New build painful issue: Mobo or Graphic Card

May 7, 2017
I have built the following baby for my son:
Asus H170M-Plus
i3 7100 3.9GHz
2 x Kingston 4096 MB 2133 MHy
Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1050 Ti
WD10 1TB
Corsair VS 550Watt
Windows 10

The graphic card does not work; at boot, fans spin for few seconds then stop. No video output. I have to use the MOBO integrated card.

Asus advised me to update BIOS to 3403 ver. : did it but nothing changed.

Windows sees the Graphic card and says it works properly.

Going crazy here.

Any advice?

Many thanks

Thanks for your answer, Unfortunately no access to another pc in the short term.
Any plan B?