New build PC won't boot or even POST


Jul 17, 2012
Hi all

I have a new build PC which won't post. The CPU fan spins up for a few seconds, then stops. A second or so later it repeats. No beeps from speaker - maybe a click, it's hard to tell for sure.

I've built 3 PCs in the past with no issues, so I'm fairly sure my problem isn't with myself!

I installed all of the components into the case, turned it on, and the behaviour as described above occurred. I then noticed I had plugged the CPU fan into the Sys Fan port by mistake. Corrected that.

  • ■ I took everything out of the case, and breadboarded it: just CPU, heatsink, CPU fan and RAM.
    Same problem.
    ■ I plugged the cables from my main PC in, same problem, ruling out duff PSU.
    ■ I swapped the RAM for known good RAM. Same.
    ■ Cleared CMOS via the jumpers. Same.
    ■ Took battery out for a couple of minutes. Same.

So I think the issue is either the CPU or the motherboard, unless connecting the fan up wrong caused this problem, which seems unlikely.

Any ideas how I can progress? I bought the components as a bundle, so I can just send it all back, but if it's a setting or something and nothing is actually faulty, that's obviously preferable.

Thanks in advance.

List of components:
Gigabyte H81M-D2V Motherboard
Intel Core i3 4150
Gigabyte GZ-MA03 M-ATX CASE 450W
8GB (2x4GB) Corsair DDR3 Vengeance
Seagate ST1000DM003 Barracuda 1TB HDD


I'm not sure on the revision. How would I find out? You would think that selling the bundle Scan would have included components that work together!

If that is the problem, I guess there's no way of upgrading the BIOS without first getting an older CPU that it will boot with.

Hi. 3741 if I've got the correct number.

Thank you so much for your help BTW.
Even if its a bundle scan I doubt wherever it came from would KNOW what BIOS is on it now and what BIOS it needs to support the CPU

They stock / sell it they dont make it

Its a risk you take depending on what mobo and CPU you get.

Just because both maybe compatible with each other, it doesnt mean the BIOS on the mobo when you get it supports the CPU out of the box

Depending on WHAT mobo you get you should look on the site FIRST, to see WHAT BIOS you need for whatever CPU youre going to get

Before you get the mobo and CPU


Got it: SN133840099944

Assuming the BIOS is the problem, I guess that leaves me with 2 options:
-Send it back to Scan (annoying and time consuming)
-Get a PC repair shop to upgrade the BIOS (additional cost)

Does anyone have a ballpark figure for how much a PC shop would charge to upgrade the BIOS?

Thanks again!

Well, if you saw a bundle of parts to build a PC, all sold together as one item, I think it's reasonable to assume the seller has checked they are all compatible with each other. Bit annoying, but I'll check more carefully in future.

Yes, the BIOS has to be updated, as the board was manufactured in 2013 and the BIOS supporting new CPUs was issued in April 2014.

There is a note, though, on the scan site:

Socket 1150 - Intel H81
PLEASE NOTE : If you intend on using a Haswell refresh chip on a 8 series motherboard, you will need a BIOS update for the chip to be compatible.

Great, thanks for your assistance.

Now I just need to decide whether to get the BIOS upgraded or send it back.
A thought - my main PC has a Core i5-3570K

Other than just trying it, how can I find out whether that processor will work in the Gigabyte MB in the new build?

Drat. Oh well, I think I'll send it back, as it was sold as a bundle so should have all been compatible!

Thanks for your time and invaluable assistance.,

They are compatible but without a BIOS update the mobo wont support the CPU. Thats not Scans fault / prob.

Dont think so.

Like I said they sell them they DONT make them. Its up to you the customer to find out whether the mobo will support the CPU.

Youre going to get. Since youre the one buying the parts not Scan

By going to the mobo makers site. Looking for whatever mobo. And finding out WHAT BIOS it needs

For whatever CPU youre going to get

It's compatible so will WORK, but its up to the customer you to find out not them if it needs a BIOS update. So the mobo will SUPPORT IT