New Build Power Supply Question


Aug 2, 2011
I have just set up my new build and am looking to upgrade my graphics card.

Setup - i5 2500k w/212+, ASRock P67 Extreme4, 4GB G.Skill, Radeon HD5670, Corsair 500CX, 500GB HD. I think thats about all that needs to be listed.

Anyways I am looking at getting a GTX 460 or GTX 560 Ti and im curious if either of those cards can run off my PSU which is a Corsair 500CX. I'm going to be making this purchase on Monday.

GTX 460 - MSI GTX 460 Hawk

GTX 560 Ti - MSI GTX 560 Ti

Also im open to suggestions on the GTX 560 Ti but the price has to be under 240$ from either newegg canada or directcanada

Are you kidding?? 500cx is plenty for his build, even considering OC'ing too!

CPU - 95 w
GPU - 100-130 w
rest of parts - 75w or so

Total ~270-325w or so, I'm just ball parking it. That leaves about 150-200w for OC'ing or whatever and this is if every part is fully stressed 100% of the time.

this is the 560 ti specifications and requirments page it says u need atleast 500w for the GPU i dont know much bout PSUs but this PSU dusn seem 2 be enough for 560 TI as its a 500w