I just finished a new build and installed the motherboard drivers and vista, but whenever I turn it on it seems to get to the gigabyte logo page and just stops there without continuing on to boot vista. I flashed the bios b/c both dvd drives weren't recognized and it seemed to solve that problem, but vista still won't seem to boot after the flash. After flashing, I made sure that the boot sequence is such that it boots from the hd first. Any ideas why this is happening?
Gigabyte ma790gp-ud4h, phenom x2 940, sapphire 4870 1 gb, zalman 9700, gskil 2gbx2, 2 pioneer dvd burners, corsair 650w, antec p182.
Gigabyte ma790gp-ud4h, phenom x2 940, sapphire 4870 1 gb, zalman 9700, gskil 2gbx2, 2 pioneer dvd burners, corsair 650w, antec p182.